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English translation for "mastercard international"


Related Translations:
mastercard:  和万事达卡万事达信用卡
mastercard masters:  名人赛
Example Sentences:
1.Mastercard international inc
2.Bea becomes a principal member of visa international and mastercard international
3.Visa international will start using the new bulk settlement service from today . the implementation dates for mastercard international and china unionpay will be announced later
4.Initially , credit card companies including visa international , mastercard international , and china unionpay will use this new bulk settlement service for settlement of their hong kong dollar credit card transactions
5.Prior to joining ibm , matthew was managing director of a consulting firm specializing in new product development and marketing strategy , where he led the financial services practice and worked with clients such as citigroup , bankone , and mastercard international
在加入ibm之前, matthew是一家顾问公司得管理主任,该公司专攻新产品的开发及销售策略,在那里他领导金融服务实现,并和客户,例如citigroup 、 bankone和mastercard international合作。
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